The Free 52 Project is a group of photographers that love to take the lens off their cameras and photograph the world around them. I am passionate about freelensing, it's my happy place. Every month we will post our freelensed images and link them. Check out my January images and then head over to Christina Navarro's page to see what she captured this month. Continue on through till you get back here. It's a great group of ladies!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! So I am so excited to be a part of this gorgeous group of people who love to make art, challenge themselves, and capture moments. We rang in the New Year with some great friends, stayed up way past our bedtimes, and spent the day grateful for our family.
It's a new year so we always think about what we want to focus on. Call it what you want, but we have decided to focus on health and spending more time with family. In the Upper Midwest it was cold, so I spent an afternoon making soups...lots and lots of soups. They were delicious. And then took the boys out snowboarding at a local hill.
We have decided to dedicated Wednesday evening to family game night. Monopoly, Clue, Chess, Yatzzee, are just a few of our favorites. Needless to say family Wednesday Game Night has turned into Family Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, (We ski Monday's) game day.
I feel like January is a special time of renewal. It's a month to reflect on our past and design what we want in the following months. It's the calm before the storm, so to speak. The slow month before the days gradually begin to pick up in speed. I have chosen take to take this time of year that was otherwise stark, dark and cold to reflect on what is important in my life and the lives of my boys. It's a great time to slow down, spend time and enjoy what life has to offer.
Often times that's spending moments with friends and family. And then there is the special tribe of women I have gotten to know since choosing to become a "stay-at-home" mom. These ladies mean a lot to me. Their support, advice, company is unparalleled. The days we get to spend together with our children talking, advising, supporting is so important to me I can't even put it into words. On this day we composted, watched movies, did science projects, and learned about the food we eat. Love these ladies and their families.
Then came the middle of the month where I forced myself to do what I love to do most....shoot freelens, play with my boys, and be present. I asked him to ninja, sumo play on the couch so we could have fun and expend energy on a cold day at the same time. I loved being able to practice freelensing on a moving subject. I was learning, we were playing and we were having fun....what more is there.
Our boys ski, snowboard, and love to play in the snow. We had a gorgeous snowfall in Jan. So we all headed outside to shovel, and enjoy the neighborhood. The boys played in the street then headed to the neighbors to swing and jump in the snow banks. Here's to 2017....Family, Friends, and Fun.